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Share Structure

As of June 20, 2024

Share Capital Summary
Shares Issued 144,766,596
Warrants 30,419,267
Options 11,255,000
Fully Diluted 186,440,863


Warrants Out: 30,419,267 Avg. Price: $0.12
Warrants Outstanding Grant Price Grant Expiry Date Value if exercised
11,709,357 $0.15 26-Sep-26 $1,756,404
341,110 $0.15 26-Sep-26 $51,167
16,890,000 $0.10 06-Feb-27 $1,689,000 
478,800 $0.10 06-Feb-27 $47,880 
1,000,000 $0.10 15-Mar-27 $100,000
30,419,267     $3,644,450


Options Out: 11,255,000 Avg. Price: $0.19
Options Outstanding Grant Price Expiry Date Value
4,305,000 $0.25 19-Jan-26 $1,076,250 
6,950,000 $0.15 13-Jul-28 $1,042,500
11,255,000     $2,118,750

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